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Beskyttelsesmodul for DEHNgap modular

  • Høj afledeevne pga. kraftigt slukkegnistgab
  • Nem udskiftning af beskyttelsesmoduler uden værktøj med modullåsesystemets frigørelsesknap
  • Funktions-/fejlindikation ved grøn/rød markering i inspektionsruden
  • Det stikbare beskyttelsesmodul kan udskiftes uden behov for frakobling af strøm og uden at fjerne tavleafdækningen

DGP M – 100 kA N-PE gnistgabsbaseret beskyttelsesmodul

Gnistgabsbaseret N-PE-beskyttelsesmodul til alle apparater fra den modulære DEHNgap M-serie.

1 Product

Part No. 961010 DGP M MOD 255

GTIN 4013364118744, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85363030, Gross weight: 182.00 g, PU: 1.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: DGP M MOD 255
artikelnr.: 961010
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Wave breaker function

In the case of spark-gap-based type 1 arresters, the entire current flows through the type 1 arrester during the discharge process. Like a wave breaker, the incoming energy is greatly broken down, which significantly relieves the downstream SPDs. All type 1 arresters in the Red/Line product range feature the WBF wave breaker function.

Technical data

Max. driftsspænding AC (UC ) 255 V
Lynstødstrøm (10/350 µs) (Iimp ) 100 kA

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DGPH M – 100 kA N-PE gnistgabsbaseret beskyttelsesmodul

Gnistgabsbaseret N-PE-beskyttelsesmodul til alle apparater fra den modulære DEHNgap M H-serie.

1 Product

Part No. 961020 DGPH MOD 255

GTIN 4013364118706, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85363030, Gross weight: 151.00 g, PU: 1.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: DGPH MOD 255
artikelnr.: 961020
eller tilsvarende



Wave breaker function

In the case of spark-gap-based type 1 arresters, the entire current flows through the type 1 arrester during the discharge process. Like a wave breaker, the incoming energy is greatly broken down, which significantly relieves the downstream SPDs. All type 1 arresters in the Red/Line product range feature the WBF wave breaker function.

Technical data

Max. driftsspænding AC (UC ) 255 V
Lynstødstrøm (10/350 µs) (Iimp ) 100 kA

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