Q: What do I do?
A: Send your devices carriage free to
Hans-Dehn-Straße 1 (Gate 3)
92318 Neumarkt
ATTENTION: Devices packaged in foil only will not be accepted!
Mon - Thu: 7:00 - 15:00
Friday: 7:00 - 12:00
Important: Please enclose your written order with the shipment.
Q: How do I have to pack the devices?
A: The devices have to be safely packed for transport. Due to insurance policy reasons, we use a special packaging for returning the devices. Please let us know if we should return your own packaging.
Q: Do I have to request a return number?
A: No – A return number is not required for maintenance tests.
Q: How long does the test take?
A: In general, the test takes about 5 - 6 working weeks.
Q: According to which criteria is the test performed?
A: The test is performed according to DGUV regulation 3 (previously BGV A3).
Q: How is the test documented?
A: You will receive a test report for all tests and the device is labelled.