DEHNshort protects the
Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin

The entire low-voltage main distribution board was replaced during ongoing operation. This placed extremely high demands on the protection of the technicians against arc faults.

DEHNshort, the active arc fault protection system quenches arc faults in milliseconds – exactly the right choice for this project.

DEHN solution Tested protection concept against arc faults
Customer Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie
Project Exchange of the existing LVMDB at the Helmholtz Zentrum
Sector Research and development
Location Berlin
Implementation January 2022
Planning Ingenieurbüro Noack GmbH
Product DEHNshort

The challenge

The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) is a research centre for materials and energy that focuses on solar cells, batteries, catalytic converters and light sources. The entire LVMDB had to be replaced due to its age.

It was already clear during the planning phase that a very high level of energy would be released in the event of an arc fault. This meant that the safety of the technician team had top priority.

The key requirement was the ability to handle short-circuit currents of up to 100 kA.

The solution

As the necessary work would take place during ongoing operation and a very high energy density was to be expected, personal safety was of particular importance.

The planning process therefore began with a risk analysis. It revealed the need for an active arc fault protection system.

The DEHNshort active system used here has two advantages:

  • Protection of people
    who work in the vicinity of a system currently in operation.
  • Quick restoration of service of the switchgear
    If the system is triggered by an arc fault, the electric arc is quenched extremely quickly. This keeps damage to a minimum so that it can be quickly switched back on.

DEHNshort provides safety

Lutz Noack and Andreas Knoch are enthused:

"Planning always starts with expert advice. The technical boundary conditions were crucial here."

Lutz Noack
Managing Director at Ingenieurbüro Noack GmbH

"We guarantee the reliability of the electrical supply and availability of the ring accelerator for our customers. However, this also includes personal safety when providing 5 MW @ 0.4 kV for our operating personnel."

Andreas Knoch
FM-T / Power Supply Department Group Leader

Planner? Want to protect your system from arc faults?

Simply send a mail to our technical support or call us on: +49 9181 1750.
We will be happy to return your call and respond to your queries in detail.