DEHN schützt bei der Instandhaltung von Ladesäulen
DEHN protects when working on charging posts

Occupational safety when servicing charging posts

The safety of your electricians takes top priority

The topic of E-Mobility is growing in importance. The existing charging structure is constantly being expanded which in turn leads to a greater need for maintenance and repairs. Do your workers possess the necessary know-how and the right equipment for such work?


Are your employees completely safe?

It is a fact that working on electrical equipment, in this case charging posts, can be life-threatening.

To protect your people, make sure that the 5 safety rules from the DIN VDE 0105-100 series of standards are consistently observed.

Tested products, corresponding to the respective safety rule, can be found in the DEHN portfolio.
Everything from a single source.

Light baggage means high acceptance

Equipment that is not ready to hand, missing accessories or improvisation on site?
It is often mundane things that put employees at risk.


Simply put together an individual safety kit for your employees. Our support team will be happy to advise you which equipment and products exactly suit your needs.

As an employer, this puts you on the safe side.
As an electrician, you always have your safety equipment close at hand.

Because... what good is the best equipment if you don't wear it?


This is how you protect your employees from accidents caused by electricity or electric arcs.

DEHN Safety Kit

Your life-preserving protective equipment is at the ready at all times in the compact rucksack.


You would like to order a safety kit or have more information?

Just call us or send us an e-mail:

  • International customer service:
    Phone +49 9181 906 1462

You still have questions?

Technical support ⎟ Safety Equipment

Phone: +49 9181 906 1045

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