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Til beskyttelse af skorstene osv., også til opførelse med betonsokkel.
Alt afhængigt af vind kan yderligere befæstigelse, eksempelvis DEHNiso-holdere, være nødvendig.

OBS: tilladte tagbelastning skal overvejes, og der skal evt. afklares med bygherren inden opførelse.

Diameter 10 mm, rejfet

Speciel til betonsokkel med kileteknik 8,5 kg (art.-nr. 102 075) eller til fastgørelse med lederholder.

3 Products

Part No. 101000 FS 10 1000 AL

GTIN 4013364094505, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 212.00 g, PU: 20.00 Pakkestørrelse



Additional information

Samlet længde: 1000 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 10 mm
Standard: EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 10 1000 AL
artikelnr.: 101000
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 1000 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 10 mm
Standard EN 62561-2

Product 101000 was added to Notepad.

Product 101000 was added to the cart.

Part No. 101009 FS 10 1000 V2A

GTIN 4013364128699, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 600.00 g, PU: 20.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 1000 mm
Materiale: Rustfrit
Diameter Ø: 10 mm
Standard: EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 10 1000 V2A
artikelnr.: 101009
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 1000 mm
Materiale Rustfrit
Diameter Ø 10 mm
Standard EN 62561-2

Product 101009 was added to Notepad.

Product 101009 was added to the cart.

Part No. 101007 FS 10 1000 CU

GTIN 4013364128705, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 700.00 g, PU: 20.00 Pakkestørrelse



Additional information

Samlet længde: 1000 mm
Materiale: Cu
Diameter Ø: 10 mm
Standard: EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 10 1000 CU
artikelnr.: 101007
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 1000 mm
Materiale Cu
Diameter Ø 10 mm
Standard EN 62561-2

Product 101007 was added to Notepad.

Product 101007 was added to the cart.

Diameter 16 mm, rejfet

8 Products

Part No. 104150 FS 16 1500 AL

GTIN 4013364028487, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 820.00 g, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 1500 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 mm
Standard: EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 16 1500 AL
artikelnr.: 104150
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 1500 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 mm
Standard EN 62561-2

Product 104150 was added to Notepad.

Product 104150 was added to the cart.

Part No. 104200 FS 16 2000 AL

GTIN 4013364056343, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 1.08 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 2000 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 16 2000 AL
artikelnr.: 104200
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 2000 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 104200 was added to Notepad.

Product 104200 was added to the cart.

Part No. 104250 FS 16 2500 AL

GTIN 4013364056350, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 1.40 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 2500 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 16 2500 AL
artikelnr.: 104250
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 2500 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 104250 was added to Notepad.

Product 104250 was added to the cart.

Part No. 104300 FS 16 3000 AL

GTIN 4013364056367, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 1.68 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 3000 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 16 3000 AL
artikelnr.: 104300
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 3000 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 104300 was added to Notepad.

Product 104300 was added to the cart.

Part No. 483100 FS 16 1000 STTZN

GTIN 4013364019430, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 1.60 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 1000 mm
Materiale: St/tZn
Diameter Ø: 16 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 16 1000 STTZN
artikelnr.: 483100
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 1000 mm
Materiale St/tZn
Diameter Ø 16 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 483100 was added to Notepad.

Product 483100 was added to the cart.

Part No. 483125 FS 16 1250 STTZN

GTIN 4013364019416, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 2.00 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 1250 mm
Materiale: St/tZn
Diameter Ø: 16 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 16 1250 STTZN
artikelnr.: 483125
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 1250 mm
Materiale St/tZn
Diameter Ø 16 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 483125 was added to Notepad.

Product 483125 was added to the cart.

Part No. 483150 FS 16 1500 STTZN

GTIN 4013364019492, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 2.40 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 1500 mm
Materiale: St/tZn
Diameter Ø: 16 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 16 1500 STTZN
artikelnr.: 483150
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 1500 mm
Materiale St/tZn
Diameter Ø 16 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 483150 was added to Notepad.

Product 483150 was added to the cart.

Part No. 483200 FS 16 2000 STTZN

GTIN 4013364019713, Customs tariff No. (EU): 72149939, Gross weight: 3.00 kg, PU: 1.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 2000 mm
Materiale: St/tZn
Diameter Ø: 16 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 16 2000 STTZN
artikelnr.: 483200
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 2000 mm
Materiale St/tZn
Diameter Ø 16 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 483200 was added to Notepad.

Product 483200 was added to the cart.

Reduceret diameter, rejfet

Længde af Ø10 mm er 1000 mm.

7 Products

Part No. 103210 FS 16 10 1500 AL

GTIN 4013364066311, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 480.00 g, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 1500 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Type: Rejfet
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 16 10 1500 AL
artikelnr.: 103210
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 1500 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Type Rejfet
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103210 was added to Notepad.

Product 103210 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103220 FS 16 10 2000 AL

GTIN 4013364066328, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 760.00 g, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 2000 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Type: Rejfet
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 16 10 2000 AL
artikelnr.: 103220
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 2000 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Type Rejfet
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103220 was added to Notepad.

Product 103220 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103230 FS 16 10 2500 AL

GTIN 4013364066335, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 1.02 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 2500 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Type: Rejfet
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 16 10 2500 AL
artikelnr.: 103230
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 2500 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Type Rejfet
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103230 was added to Notepad.

Product 103230 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103240 FS 16 10 3000 AL

GTIN 4013364066342, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 1.30 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 3000 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Type: Rejfet
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 16 10 3000 AL
artikelnr.: 103240
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 3000 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Type Rejfet
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103240 was added to Notepad.

Product 103240 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103250 FS 16 10 3500 AL

GTIN 4013364093485, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 1.52 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 3500 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Type: Rejfet
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 16 10 3500 AL
artikelnr.: 103250
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 3500 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Type Rejfet
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103250 was added to Notepad.

Product 103250 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103260 FS 16 10 4000 AL

GTIN 4013364093492, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 1.85 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 4000 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Type: Rejfet
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 16 10 4000 AL
artikelnr.: 103260
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 4000 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Type Rejfet
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103260 was added to Notepad.

Product 103260 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103280 FS 16 10 5000 AL

GTIN 4013364093508, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 2.40 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 5000 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Type: Rejfet
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 16 10 5000 AL
artikelnr.: 103280
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 5000 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Type Rejfet
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103280 was added to Notepad.

Product 103280 was added to the cart.

Reduceret diameter, gevind M16

Længde af Ø10 mm er 1000 mm.

6 Products

Part No. 103211 FS M16 10 1500 AL

GTIN 4013364078529, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 480.00 g, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse



Additional information

Samlet længde: 1500 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Type: M16
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS M16 10 1500 AL
artikelnr.: 103211
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 1500 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Type M16
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103211 was added to Notepad.

Product 103211 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103221 FS M16 10 2000 AL

GTIN 4013364078536, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 760.00 g, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse



Additional information

Samlet længde: 2000 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Type: M16
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS M16 10 2000 AL
artikelnr.: 103221
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 2000 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Type M16
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103221 was added to Notepad.

Product 103221 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103231 FS M16 10 2500 AL

GTIN 4013364078543, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 1.02 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse



Additional information

Samlet længde: 2500 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Type: M16
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS M16 10 2500 AL
artikelnr.: 103231
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 2500 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Type M16
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103231 was added to Notepad.

Product 103231 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103241 FS M16 10 3000 AL

GTIN 4013364081857, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 1.30 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 3000 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Type: M16
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS M16 10 3000 AL
artikelnr.: 103241
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 3000 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Type M16
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103241 was added to Notepad.

Product 103241 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103251 FS M16 10 3500 AL

GTIN 4013364093515, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 1.52 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 3500 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Type: M16
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS M16 10 3500 AL
artikelnr.: 103251
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 3500 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Type M16
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103251 was added to Notepad.

Product 103251 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103261 FS M16 10 4000 AL

GTIN 4013364093522, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 1.73 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 4000 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Type: M16
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS M16 10 4000 AL
artikelnr.: 103261
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 4000 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Type M16
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103261 was added to Notepad.

Product 103261 was added to the cart.

Rørindfanger med reduceret diameter 16 / 10 mm

Let udførelse; længde af Ø10 mm er 1000 mm.

12 Products

Part No. 103410 RFS 16 10 1500 AL

GTIN 4013364105775, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 360.00 g, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 1500 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: RFS 16 10 1500 AL
artikelnr.: 103410
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 1500 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103410 was added to Notepad.

Product 103410 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103420 RFS 16 10 2000 AL

GTIN 4013364105782, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 500.00 g, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 2000 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: RFS 16 10 2000 AL
artikelnr.: 103420
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 2000 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103420 was added to Notepad.

Product 103420 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103430 RFS 16 10 2500 AL

GTIN 4013364105799, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 570.00 g, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 2500 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: RFS 16 10 2500 AL
artikelnr.: 103430
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 2500 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103430 was added to Notepad.

Product 103430 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103440 RFS 16 10 3000 AL

GTIN 4013364105805, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 800.00 g, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 3000 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: RFS 16 10 3000 AL
artikelnr.: 103440
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 3000 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103440 was added to Notepad.

Product 103440 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103450 RFS 16 10 3500 AL

GTIN 4013364105812, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 900.00 g, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 3500 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: RFS 16 10 3500 AL
artikelnr.: 103450
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 3500 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103450 was added to Notepad.

Product 103450 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103460 RFS 16 10 4000 AL

GTIN 4013364105829, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 1.10 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 4000 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: RFS 16 10 4000 AL
artikelnr.: 103460
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 4000 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103460 was added to Notepad.

Product 103460 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103480 RFS 16 10 5000 AL

GTIN 4013364105836, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 1.30 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 5000 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: RFS 16 10 5000 AL
artikelnr.: 103480
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 5000 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103480 was added to Notepad.

Product 103480 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103417 RFS 16 10 1500 CU

GTIN 4013364128682, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 1.20 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse



Additional information

Samlet længde: 1500 mm
Materiale: Cu
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: RFS 16 10 1500 CU
artikelnr.: 103417
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 1500 mm
Materiale Cu
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103417 was added to Notepad.

Product 103417 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103419 RFS 16 10 1500 V2A

GTIN 4013364128651, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 1.10 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 1500 mm
Materiale: Rustfrit
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: RFS 16 10 1500 V2A
artikelnr.: 103419
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 1500 mm
Materiale Rustfrit
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103419 was added to Notepad.

Product 103419 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103429 RFS 16 10 2000 V2A

GTIN 4013364128668, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 1.60 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 2000 mm
Materiale: Rustfrit
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: RFS 16 10 2000 V2A
artikelnr.: 103429
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 2000 mm
Materiale Rustfrit
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103429 was added to Notepad.

Product 103429 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103439 RFS 16 10 2500 V2A

GTIN 4013364128675, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 2.05 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 2500 mm
Materiale: Rustfrit
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: RFS 16 10 2500 V2A
artikelnr.: 103439
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 2500 mm
Materiale Rustfrit
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103439 was added to Notepad.

Product 103439 was added to the cart.

Part No. 103449 RFS 16 10 3000 V2A

GTIN 4013364128798, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 2.57 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 3000 mm
Materiale: Rustfrit
Diameter Ø: 16 / 10 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: RFS 16 10 3000 V2A
artikelnr.: 103449
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 3000 mm
Materiale Rustfrit
Diameter Ø 16 / 10 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-2

Product 103449 was added to Notepad.

Product 103449 was added to the cart.

Diameter 16 mm, med KS-forbinder

Med KS-forbinder og klemmeskrue til tilslutning Ø7-10 mm.

2 Products

Part No. 100100 FSS 16 1000 KS STTZN

GTIN 4013364019119, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 1.64 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Indfangerstang med påsmedet flig, samlet længde 1000 mm St/tZn
Indfangerstænger til beskyttelse af tagudbygninger, skorstene osv.,
også til montering med betonsokkel.
Samlet længde: 1000 mm
Materiale: St/tZn
Diameter Ø: 16 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-(1+2)

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FSS 16 1000 KS STTZN
artikelnr.: 100100
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 1000 mm
Materiale St/tZn
Diameter Ø 16 mm
Tilslutningsklemme 7-10 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-(1+2)

Product 100100 was added to Notepad.

Product 100100 was added to the cart.

Part No. 100150 FSS 16 1500 KS STTZN

GTIN 4013364019140, Customs tariff No. (EU): 85389099, Gross weight: 2.44 kg, PU: 10.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 1500 mm
Materiale: St/tZn
Diameter Ø: 16 mm
Standard: DIN EN 62561-(1+2)

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FSS 16 1500 KS STTZN
artikelnr.: 100150
eller tilsvarende



Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 1500 mm
Materiale St/tZn
Diameter Ø 16 mm
Tilslutningsklemme 7-10 mm
Standard DIN EN 62561-(1+2)

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Diameter 16 mm, kan afkortes

1 Product

Part No. 104600 FS 16 6000 AL

GTIN 4013364076556, Customs tariff No. (EU): 76052100, Gross weight: 3.32 kg/Stk, PU: 1.00 Pakkestørrelse


Additional information

Samlet længde: 6000 mm
Materiale: AlMgSi
Diameter Ø: 16 mm
Standard: EN 62561-2

fabrikat: DEHN
Type: FS 16 6000 AL
artikelnr.: 104600
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Technical data

Samlet længde (l1) 6000 mm
Materiale AlMgSi
Diameter Ø 16 mm
Standard EN 62561-2

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