The climate crisis and soaring energy costs are fuelling the growth of renewable energies in all sectors, commercial and private. Intelligent and sustainable generation, distribution and use of energy are key to the sustainable management of resources. From 14 - 16 June, you can find DEHN at Europe’s most important platform for the energy industry - The smarter E Europe in Munich, Hall B5, Stand 420. The immense increase in renewable energies presents us with new challenges. For example, how to provide protection against the effects of lightning or surges caused by switching operations, both now and in the future. DEHN can respond to these challenges with its protection solutions, a combination of proven and new innovative products with comprehensive services. For a continuous supply of energy - DEHN protects investments around the globe against disruptions caused by lightning currents and surges.
DEHN for a safe transition to the new energy world

Petra Raab ⎟ Head of External Communications
Trade Press