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Wiederkehrende Prüfungen - DEHN Arbeitsschutz
Check list for your comprehensive arc fault protection

Safe at the decisive moment

According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act § 3, the employer is obliged to take necessary measures which lead to an improvement of the safety and health protection of the employees at work (on electrical installations).

Optimise the arc fault protection concept
Use this checklist as a guideline to assess arc fault hazards in your electrical installations and optimise your company-wide arc fault protection concept. If you have any questions, please contact our arc fault expert.

Download digital checklist here

1 Legal requirements

Do you know the legal order of priority of specifications concerning arc fault protection in your company?
(E.g. German Occupational Health and Safety Act, German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health, DGUV regulations, standards and test principles)

2 Protection goals

Were protection goals intentionally defined and implemented in your arc fault protection concept?  (E.g. system availability, protection of service personnel)

3 Operating and work instructions

Are current operating and work instructions in place for and on the electrical systems?
(E.g. Do you work strictly according to the five safety rules?)

4 Instructions

Are employees trained annually on the special dangers posed by arc faults when working in and on electrical systems, and is their awareness raised in this regard? And is this documented?

5 Risk assessment

Has an arc fault risk assessment been conducted and documented as per DGUV-I 203-077 taking into account  the energy of an electric arc? (Influencing factors are, for example, short-circuit currents, tripping times and  working distances)

6 Contact safety

Are the electrical installations safe to touch and free of potential bridges?
(E.g. covers and insulation)

7 Testing the systems

Is your low-voltage and medium-voltage switchgear type-tested and are the systems arc-fault-tested?

8 Tripping times

In the event of an electric arc, is the tripping time of your circuit breaker or fuses quick enough to protect  people and equipment?

9 Technical protection measures

Is the use of an arc fault protection system (with quenching device) possible in your high-energy installations  or planned in new installations?

10 Access regulations

Are access regulations / operating regulations regarding electrical installations and their rooms in place at your company?

11 Checking protective equipment and tools

Are your tools and safety equipment checked regularly with regard to their function and integrity? (E.g. voltage detectors every 6 years)

12 Selection and use of protective clothing

Is arc-fault-tested personal protective clothing (PPE against the thermal effects of arc faults) in use and,  if so, has this been chosen in line with the risk assessment?

13 Effectiveness checks

Is the effectiveness of the arc fault protection measures and their implementation checked regularly?

Johannes Pirkl

Arc fault protection expert

Johannes Pirkl

Phone: +49 9181 906-1587

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